“The Pruning Process is Complete. New Growth is Springing Forth”

During my time with the Lord, I heard the words, “SPRING CLEANING”. I saw many that have been stuck in the muck of spiritual clutter and old ways of thinking and operating. Feeling as if they have been stripped down to the bare bones of merely FAITH alone. This has left some doubting they have what it takes for the call on their lives and the wherewithal to see it through.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.” (Psalm 51:10-12 NKJV)

To encourage you and shed some light on what you are going through. This has been your PRUNING process. This process is referenced in the Bible multiple times and while it can be PAINFUL, it is NECESSARY for spiritual GROWTH. This process is NOT a punishment but a REWARD as God LOVES you and wants you to bear MORE fruit. Jesus says in John 15:2, “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”.

Rest assured you are right where the Lord wants you. TRUST Him in the unknown and LET GO of things you’ve HELD onto too tightly. He’s making ROOM for the NEW and INCREASING your CAPACITY to grow DEEPER in your identity in Him and HIM ALONE.

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.” (Proverbs 37:5 NKJV)

I prophesy He is doing a NEW THING in His faithful ones. It’s not going to look like anything you thought or imagined. “Only the best for my beloved”, says the Spirit of God. He’s flipping the script and surprising many in the months ahead. He’s searching our hearts and lightening our load. It’s time to give up the security blanket, the false comforts, and the idols. Receive your DIVINE EXCHANGE and allow Holy Spirit to take HIS place. He is your HELPER and is strengthening you to rely solely on Him. He is the only COMFORT and SECURITY you will need and can take into the DEEP WATERS of maturing in Christ. On this voyage, you will find EVERYTHING you need in the finished work on the Cross and the Helper who was sent to be with you till the end of the age. (Isaiah 43:19; Matthew 28:20; John 4:16 NKJV).

“Your pruning season is complete. The old is gone and the new is BUDDING and SPRINGING FORTH”, says the Spirit of the Lord. I hear the words, “RESTORE, RENEW, and REFRESH”. Receive a FRESH DRINK from the WELL of the life of SONSHIP. He has great plans to PROSPER you and not harm you. To give you HOPE and a FUTURE. SHAKE IT OFF and RUN TO YOUR FATHER’S OPEN ARMS and know you are ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED and have everything you need to PROCEED in Jesus’ name.

“For as the earth brings forth its bud, As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” (Isaiah 61:11 NKJV)


You are the Alabaster Jar


Jesus, The Lover of My Soul