Release Your Roar Like Never Before
A few weeks ago, I felt the Holy Spirit come over me with great power. I started hearing the words, “RELEASE YOUR ROAR LIKE NEVER BEFORE”. These words did not come from a still small voice, but from the Spirit of the Lion of the tribe of Judah within. It’s almost as if it is His cheer for His bride, as she steps into her true identity and the fullness she was intended to be - A victorious bride!
The following week, the Lord continued to speak to me. I received additional revelation through a key I have on my dresser. It was a gift from an amazing, prominent keynote speaker and powerful woman of God. This key was given to remind me that I have been given the key to succeed in all God has created me to be. The key was knocked off of my dresser for three consecutive nights. Most likely by my kitty, but if God can use a donkey, He can sure use a kitty to get our attention. The first day the key was laying inside one of my shoes. I laughed as I saw it, because I felt the Lord was giving me the nudge that I needed. He said, “IT’S GO TIME!!! I AM GIVING YOU THE KEY - ACCESS IS GRANTED”. The second day the same key was laying right in front of the doorway of my room. I believe God is saying, “IT’S TIME TO STEP OUT”. The third time I saw the key back on the floor, I reached down to pick it up and felt this was a message from God that He wants to release to His people.
The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open. - Isaiah 22:22 NKJV
I believe many of you are entering new seasons and new assignments, treading the new territory, feeling stretched and pressed on every side, knowing that what’s ahead may be bigger and more than you feel ready for. Well I am here to encourage you that God has gone before you and prepared the way, He’s got you covered and He qualified you for what’s ahead. Yes, it is better than you imagined. He has given you everything you need to succeed and walk in victory. While this place of transition can be quite uncomfortable, there is also a great anticipation and excitement of what God has in store. Your time is now and God says “GO FORTH, THIS IS YOUR TIME TO ROAR LIKE NEVER BEFORE. I AM GIVING YOU NEW BOLDNESS AND COURAGE. I AM STRENGTHENING YOUR HEART. THE STRUGGLE, PAIN AND DIFFICULTY OF THE LAST SEASON HAS PREPARED YOU FOR WHAT IS BEFORE YOU. REST ASSURED, VICTORY IS ON THE HORIZON.”
But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.” - Revelations 5:5 NKJV