“Not one word has failed in all His good promise”

1 Kings 8:56



Back in 2009 my world as I knew it came crashing down. After living a life of trauma, shame, fear, anxiety, depression, and looking for love in all the wrong places, I wanted to hide and escape from the pain and became bound in addiction. Nothing was satisfying my soul, so I decided to turn to Jesus and received Him in my heart. At this time, I thought I had moved passed the darkness, as I was a mother of a three year old daughter and a few months away from getting married to her father. I really thought my life had turned around, but I was still constantly swimming upstream and everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I experienced more trauma, heart break and abandonment. What I thought was the end, was really my beginning. The Lord was pursuing me and I went from running from Him to running to Him. This was my only chance for a better life for myself and my daughter. He rescued us and changed us. I cannot say I never looked back, because I did often. I was tormented by the past hurt and pain that was deep within. One day I got tired of wearing the mask and I let go of the ego, pride, and pretending everything was okay. I invited Holy Spirit in to baptize me with His fire. Since then, I have walked through a lot of healing and deliverance and am walking in greater freedom. I have not arrived by an means, but I am on His fast track to my destiny and I am excited to bring others along towards their destiny as well.

In 2018 we were in a time of transition and left that past behind and moved to a new city, a new job and a new school for my daughter. God orchestrated it all and our part was to partner with Him and learn to trust Him. Over the first couple of months after moving, the Lord began speaking to me about His promises for my and my daughter’s lives. He is so faithful as both of us stepped into what He has called us into. I began writing and releasing words and revelation the Lord was giving me and she started as a worshipper and songwriter. We have so many great memories and testimonies of His goodness throughout the years and since this transition. The Lord has taken me from the pit to the prison to the PROMISE. After having many prophetic words published, sharing my powerful testimony, my daughter being part of the worship community here in our region, I am now here to share His heart and His promises with you. It was JESUS and HIS PROMISES that got us through and led us to where we are today. I pray that as you read the words released on this page, you will also step into your promises and destiny. We are so happy you are here to join us on this beautiful journey called Kingdom life. 

About the Author:

Laurie has a heart to see sons and daughters come into their identity in Christ and fulfill their God given destiny. Through prophetic insight, the revelatory and seer gifts, Laurie releases the heart of the Father and His promises. Through her voice, writing and testimony, she encourages others and brings hope to those in need.


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